Gian Maria Rossolini

University of Florence – Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine and Florence Careggi University Hospital – Clinical Microbiology and Virology Unit, Italy

Medical Doctor, and specialist in Infectious Diseases. Full professor of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology at the University of Florence, and director of the Clinical Microbiology and Virology Unit at Florence Careggi University Hospital, Italy. Academic and other institutional services: chairman of the Department of Molecular Biology, and dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Siena; member of the coordination group of the national plan for contrasting antimicrobial resistance of the Italian Ministry of Health; Italian representative of the JPIAMR program for the Italian ministry of University and Research; member of the EUCAST Steering Committee. Teaching experience in several courses at the Universities of Siena and Florence. Faculty member and tutor in PhD Schools at the Universities of Siena and Florence. External examiner for PhD candidates at several foreign universities. Scientific activity: was mostly developed in medical microbiology, mostly concerning antimicrobial agents and microbial drug resistance mechanisms and epidemiology, and in diagnostic clinical microbiology. Has authored more than 600 scientific articles, and is inventor in 12 patents. H-index (Scopus): 81; total number of citations (Scopus): >26,500. Service for Scientific Societies: AMCLI (Italian Association of Clinical Microbiologists), SIM (Italian Society of Microbiology), ESCMID (European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases), ASM (American Society for Microbiology). Has served in the Editorial Board of several scientific journals, and as Editor of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Other scientific refereeing / consultant activities: for research grants / prizes; for appointments to academic positions (full or associate professorships) at foreign Universities; and for pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies in the fields of antimicrobial agents and diagnostic microbiology. Awards: ESCMID Fellow.