Abstract Submission

The Organising Scientific Committee of the 33rd International Congress of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2024 (ICC) invites you to submit an abstract. Please see guidelines below for the required format of the abstracts.

Each abstract will undergo a peer review process. Based on the submitted abstract, the reviewer(s) will decide if your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation.

Abstract Submission Deadline
16th of August 2024

Abstract Notification 
13th of September 2024


  • Abstracts must be submitted via the website  https://icc2024.org/
  • Abstracts must contain original work that has not previously been reported
  • Abstracts may be original research, case studies, or insight and review articles
  • Only the presenting author may submit the abstract
  • The abstract MUST NOT exceed 250 words, excluding the title, authors and affiliations
  • Full papers are NOT required
  • You MUST include results or data in your abstract – you may include figures and/or tables
  • Abstracts that describe plans for a study or state “results will be presented” will NOT be accepted
  • Do NOT include references
  • Do NOT submit abstracts with typographical or grammatical errors
  • All abbreviations should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word
  • All presentations MUST be in English

Abstract presentation

  • Include the following sub-headings: Aim, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions
  • Use font type Arial, with single spaced lines
  • Title of the paper (size 10, font type Arial, bold, centred and capitalised) and is to be followed by one blank line
  • Authors’ names to be written (size 10, centred and capitalised) with initials followed by dot, family names to be written in full
  • Authors to be separated by commas, presenting author marked with an asterisk, and individual authors marked with superscript number to distinguish the different affiliations
  • Authors’ affiliations (size 10, italic, centred) to be written on separate lines when there are more than one and the last to be followed by one blank line
  • Abstract text (size 10) to be justified on middle; paragraphs are not to be indented, only separated by one blank line
  • Please name your document as follows prior to submitting: Names of Authors (as per author format above) – Abstract Title
  • Abstracts will NOT be reviewed if not in the specified format

Download the abstract template here.

All accepted abstracts will be published in ISAC’s open access journal, the Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance (JGAR).

Should you have any queries or require more information, please contact the ICC Congress Organisers on secretariat@icc2024.org

Abstract Topics:

  • Antimicrobials – Resistance
  • Antimicrobials – Susceptibility
  • Antimicrobials – Clinical Efficacy
  • Antimicrobials – Stewardship
  • Diagnostics
  • Diagnostics – Bacteriology
  • Diagnostics – Non-bacteriology
  • Infection Prevention
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Disease Entities
  • Mycobacteria
  • Mycology
  • Mycology – Laboratory
  • Mycology – Treatment
  • NICU Infection Control and Emerging Resistance
  • One Health
  • Outbreaks (non-COVID)
  • Paediatric Infections
  • Pathogenesis
  • Respiratory Infections
  • STIs
  • Susceptibility Testing
  • Vaccinology
  • Virology
  • Virology – COVID
  • Virology – Hepatitis
  • Virology – HIV
  • Virology – other
  • Other