Rehab El-Sokkary

Professor of Medical Microbiology, Immunology, and infection control at Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

Rehab El-Sokkary MBBCh, M.sC, PhD, MsC-IPC, MHQS, DHPE

Rehab El-Sokkary is a full Professor of Medical Microbiology, Immunology, and infection control at Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt, where he has been a faculty member since 2002. She received her M.Sc. in quality and safety in healthcare from Harvard School of Medicine.
Prof Rehab adopts a multidisciplinary approach to support the application of safety principles in healthcare, particularly in the area of antimicrobial resistance and infection control spanning: quality improvement, health education, policy development, behavior, surveillance, and prevention. As an external expert, she has contributed to developing the “WHO research agenda for hand hygiene in health care 2023–2030”. She participated in the auditing and implementation of infection control programs in different healthcare facilities. Additionally, she designed many educational programs in safety and infection control for medical students and health professionals.
Dr. Rehab received a clinical research training program certificate from the Harvard School of Medicine and MENA-AMS Train the trainers from BSAC. She has many publications, in highly-ranked journals, on antibiotic resistance, antimicrobial stewardship, and infection Control. She is an editorial board member of many international journals (BMC Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection and Public Health, PLOS Global Health, Frontiers in Public Health, and Microbes and Infectious Diseases). Prof Rehab is a member of the working group of infection control in ISAC, and a fellow of the Infectious Diseases – International Research Initiative (ID-IRI); an international clinical research platform in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases.
Given her research efforts and impact, she was awarded the Zagazig University Incentive Award in Basic Academic Sciences, the Zagazig University Best MD Thesis in Basic Medical Academic Sciences, and many international publishing awards.
Current research project during 2024 (Ongoing): 1- CLABSI prevention in limited resources settings 2- Proper hand hygiene determinants.