Patricia Muñoz García

Patricia Muñoz García, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine in Clinical Microbiology at the Complutense University of Madrid and Head of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón

NIF: 00801361-H

Patricia Muñoz is currently Professor of Clinical Microbiology at the Complutense University of Madrid and Head in the Service of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Hospital General Ubniversitario Gregorio Marañón.

Dr. Muñoz’s main research interests are fungal infections, infective endocarditis, infections in solid organ transplant recipients, immunocompromised hosts, cardiac surgery patients and nosocomially acquired infectious diseases.

She has published more than 800 articles, books and book chapters. Dr. Muñoz has contributed to current prophylactic strategies against Pneumocystis carinii and toxoplasmosis in cardiac transplant recipients, knowledge of pulmonary nodules, identification of risk factors for invasive aspergillosis and targeted prophylaxis, and knowledge of human herpesvirus infection in transplant recipients. She is currently working on the development of an antifungal stewardship program and the clinical application of fungal biomarkers.

Dr. Muñoz is a member of the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, the American Society of Microbiology and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID). She is an active member of the European Study Group for Nosocomial Infections, the ESCMID Study Group of infection in compromised host (ESGICH) and the Spanish Network of Infection in Transplantation, and is Coordinator of the Group for the Management of Infective Endocarditis in Spain (GAMES). She has been President of the Spanish Society of Cardiovascular Infections (SEICAV). Since 2021 she has been president of the Sociedad Madrileña de Microbiología Clínica (SMMC). Since 2023 she has been a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ISAC).