The deadline to submit travel grant applications has now passed. Applications are being reviewed and applicants will be informed of results in due course.
Young investigators from ISAC Member Societies who submit an abstract for the 33rd ICC are encouraged to apply for an ISAC Young Investigator Travel Award. To be eligible, applicants must be under the age of 35 years at the time of the congress and must be the presenting author (poster or oral presentation). A number of awards will be made, with selection based on the quality of the abstract.
Successful awardees will receive 1,000 Euros (outside Europe) or 600 Euros (within Europe) towards the costs of their travel to Istanbul and their hotel accommodation as well as free congress registration. They will also be presented with an award certificate during the congress opening ceremony.
Nomination procedure
Applicants must be the presenting author. Once you have submitted your abstract for the 33rd ICC, please provide the following:
- A letter of application
- A copy of your abstract(s) and abstract number(s)
- Proof of membership status; letter or email from Member Society President/Secretariat
- A short CV
- A copy of your passport
- Please indicate whether you are applying for an ISAC Young Investigator Award or an ICC Young Investigator Award
The above should be sent electronically to the ISAC Secretariat ( The deadline to submit is 26 July 2024.
ISAC Travel Grants | International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
The two highest scoring abstracts submitted from countries with limited resources via ISAC’s Young Investigator Travel Award application process will be awarded the Tom Bergan Memorial Award and the John David Williams Memorial Award in memory of two former Presidents of ISAC.

Professor Tom Bergan served ISAC as President (1997-2001), Secretary-General (1989-1997) and Executive Member (1985-1989).
His significant contributions included spearheading the establishment of the ISAC journal, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (IJAA).

Professor John David Williams served ISAC as Associate Secretary (1977-78), Secretary-General (1979-89) and President (1989-93).
He was the first Editor-in-Chief of the ISAC journal, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (IJAA).
Regional travel awards are also available to applicants from Turkey and neighbouring countries.