Arzu Akşit İlki

Prof. Arzu Akşit İlki, MD.
Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, Istanbul
Prof. Arzu Akşit İlki, MD, completed her medical degree at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical School in 1994 and specialized in clinical microbiology by 2002 at Marmara University School of Medicine. Since then, she has been working in the Department of Medical Microbiology at Marmara University School of Medicine.In 2009 and 2010, she furthered her research experience as a visiting scholar at the University of Gothenburg’s Clinical Bacteriology Laboratory in Sweden. She achieved the title of Associate Professor in Medical Microbiology in 2011 and was promoted to Professor in 2017. Since 2019, Prof. İlki has been serving as Head of the Department of Medical Microbiology at Marmara University School of Medicine. She is actively involved in the Antibiotic Susceptibility Surveillance study group under the Society for Clinical Microbiologists of Turkey (KLİMUD) and participates in the Turkish Microbiology Society’s (TMC) sepsis study group. Her primary research areas include antimicrobial resistance, rapid diagnostic methods in clinical microbiology, and mycobacteriology.